Personal Injury

Auto Accidents / car wrecks

When a car wreck occurs, the insurance company starts investigating IMMEDIATELY. So do we.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car wreck, your attention has to be on getting the necessary medical care and treatment to heal. But the insurance companies involved won’t wait around…they start building their case to protect their interests on day one, as soon as they’re notified about the collision.

At Ward Law Firm, we want to get involved as early as possible so that we can obtain and preserve as much evidence as possible to protect your interests. The insurance company will work hard to reduce their risk. We will work harder to make sure you recover everything you can and restore your life to every extent possible.

Premises Liability or “slip and fall” cases

Commonly called “slip and fall” cases, the attorneys at Ward Law Firm can help you get compensated for your injuries .  These are cases where the owner of the property where you fell was negligent in some way and without the owner’s negligence, you would have not fallen. Business owners generally have a duty to the public to ensure that their property is safe. If the owner fails to keep their property safe and you are injured as a result, you may have a case that you can be compensated for your injuries. Fill out the form to the right or call us for a free consultation with a personal injury attorney.

Contact us at (417) 544-0315